Wheeler Programming Club!


The goal of the programming club is to educate the upper school student body about computer science, as well as showcase and organize amazing computer science projects that our members think up.

In past years, we have gotten speakers in the computer science field to talk about their unique work, but this year we want to turn things up a notch by committing to larger projects, some ideas include:

  • A web based videogame coded in javascript
  • A raspberry pi based IoT project
  • A weather app for a custom built weather station

We would love your help in any of these sorts of projects, and would love to hear what other ideas you would like to develop with the programming club. We have also done hackathons in the past, and if you're interested in putting together a team for one, please reach out to a club leader, we would love to participate in whatever you have in mind.

Do I need to know how to code to join?

No! In the past we have held a couple of programming workshops to teach the basics of coding, and we plan to do more of these in the future. For projects, it is useful to know how to code, but your ideas are just as valuable as your coding skills. If you are passionate about computer science, we would love to have you.



If you want to be added to the programming club github organization, shoot me an email at daniel.duarte-baird@wheelergmail.org and I'll add you as soon as I can.


Hey y'all, my name's Daniel, and I'm the programming club head. I really like computer science and coding, and especially love writing code for hardware that I can interact with physically. I am a lead developer for the robotics team, and have spent some time working as a software engineering intern at a tech startup, so if you ever have any questions about computer science, I am always down to share my opinion with you. In addition to coding, I love playing music, surfing, and woodworking :)